Each point of drunkenness expands your critical fail/miss range by 1. So a character with 3 points of drunkenness would critically miss on a roll of 17-20. This lasts until next morning.With that said...
You gain +3 HP for every two Beerbarian template you possess.
A Barfly, Angry Drunk
B Swig
C Drunk Strength
D Drunken Master
Each point of drunkenness expands your critical success/hit range by 1.
Angry Drunk
If you're drunk you gain immunity to Fear and Pain. You can't do anything defensive, curative, or tactical.
You can consume alcohol to restore 1d6+1 HP. This gives you 1 point of drunkenness. This ability works even if someone pours the booze down your unconscious throat.
Drunk Strength
If you have at least two points of drunkenness, you can gain a Strength of 22 (+4) for 1 Round once per day.
Drunken Master
Now each point of drunkenness expands your critical success/hit range and your critical fail/miss range by 2.

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